The Power of Goals

The Power of Goals

You want to learn how to predict the future?  There’s an app for that.  Ok,  not true… but there is a real way to do it, and that is to create it!   You are either creating your own dream or you are in the process of working towards someone else’s dream.  Which is it?  It’s ok if it’s both.  Basically anyone who is not self-employed is working toward someone else’s dream and that is perfectly fine, as long as you have your dream front and center and that your job and career is part of helping you fulfill your long term desires.

Many of you have seen or heard the famous quote by Zig Ziglar, “If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.”  Goals are an opportunity to build your life the way you want it.  Still not convinced?  Here are a few more reasons why you should create goals:

  • Creating goals focuses your intentions on what you want to accomplish and helps you organize your time and resources so that you are putting your priorities first.
  • Establishing goals puts you in the driver seat of your life. Don’t just let life happen.  Own it.  Take control of the most valuable commodity you have – time.
  • Goals can serve as motivation for both short term and long term initiatives.
  • Deciding on your goals gives you freedom of thought. It keeps you focused and gets you out of that indecisive place of not knowing how to move forward.

Further Tips for Establishing Goals:

  1. Create a positive picture of success. Put the goal in the positive.  Instead of saying what you aren’t going to do – talk about what you will do.
  2. One of the most powerful things you can do is write your goals down. There are multiple studies that show how this positively impacts your success.
  3. Put your goals in a visible place where you can see them every day.
  4. Success breeds success so make sure to establish goals that will make you stretch but are still achievable. Don’t forget to celebrate your small successes along the way.
  5. Know your “why.” Why is this goal important?  What does it mean?  What will you have once it is achieved that you don’t have today?
  6. Share your goals with others. Sharing with others will help build accountability, motivation, and support.  Knowing that others are watching your progress can be very motivating for some.  Additionally, sharing your goals allows you to connect with others and you will find that many people are eager to offer help and support along the way.
  7. Remember that achieving goals will help you to be accomplished but it will not make you happier. Happiness can be yours today.  Chose it now.  Be realistic about why you want to accomplish your goal.

Additionally, if you are going to establish goals, take the time to make sure they are SMART goals.  SMART goals are goals that are:

  • Specific: Include defined results.
  • Measurable: When goals are quantifiable, it allows you to measure your success along the way.
  • Attainable: They can certainly be a stretch goal and be challenging but it must be doable.
  • Relevant: Make it matter. If it isn’t meaningful to you then don’t waste your energy with it.


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